Karriereseite und Stellenangebote – Grossauer Unternehmensgruppe

Du hast das Potential, wir bieten dir die Möglichkeiten! 


Profitiere durch unsere internen Weiterbildungen, lerne die Betriebe kennen, finde den Bereich der zu dir passt und starte durch in der Grossauer Unternehmensgruppe. 

Neu an Board?

Ob Lehrling oder Quereinsteiger:in - wir begleiten Dich am Weg zum Gastro-Pro. 

Versierte Fachkraft?

Die Akadamie hält dich auf Trapp - profitiere vom Spezialwissen externer Profis.

Inspiration und Teamgeist!

Workshops und interne Schulungen sorgen dafür, dass deine Berufslaufbahn spannend bleibt. 


Mit unseren Serviceprofis wirst du in Hand um Dreh zum Spezialist.


Mit unseren Küchenworkshops wirst du Step bei Step zum kulinarischem Superhelden. 


Sich mit anderen Führungskräften austauschen und neues Lernen. Wir bieten dir regelmäßig Inspiration und Tools für deinen Job. 


Beantworte 3 Fragen und finde heraus ob wir der beste Arbeitgeber für dich sind

Frage 1/3

Working from home or the office – how is it handled in our company?


Employees belong in the office!

For us it is not important whether you spend more working time at home or in the office. The overall effectiveness of your work and your job satisfaction are of paramount importance to us.


You have to be present on site at least 3 days a week.

For us it is not important whether you spend more working time at home or in the office. The overall effectiveness of your work and your job satisfaction are of paramount importance to us.


You decide where you work more productively.

For us it is not important whether you spend more working time at home or in the office. The overall effectiveness of your work and your job satisfaction are of paramount importance to us.

Frage 2/3

What about in-house food and beverage services?


We have a fridge where you can store your food. That should be enough.

Of course we have a fridge. But we offer much more than that. Apart from the standard range of various drinks, we offer fresh and regional fruit every day. If you’re really hungry, we have our own canteen with excellent food options.


Tea and coffee only.

Apart from the standard range of various drinks, we offer fresh and regional fruit every day. If you’re really hungry, we have our own canteen with excellent food options.


Mineral water, coffee and tea, plus fresh fruit and our own canteen.

Our employees do not have to go hungry. Apart from the standard range of various drinks, we offer fresh and regional fruit every day. If you’re really hungry, we have our own canteen with excellent food options.

Frage 3/3

What further qualification offers can you expect from us?


We assume that your qualifications are already sufficient if you work for us.

Ongoing training is a priority for us. We offer extensive opportunities for your personal development. With our academy, we accompany you on this path and have individual offers ready for you.


You can take the initiative and continue your education outside of your working hours.

Yes, you are welcome to do so, but we also offer extensive opportunities for your personal development. With our academy, we accompany you on this path and have individual offers ready for you.


We have our own academy that offers both external and internal training in various areas.

Ongoing training is a priority for us. We offer extensive opportunities for your personal development. With our academy, we accompany you on this path and have individual offers ready for you.

Ich freue mich immer wieder darauf meine Leidenschaft zum Wein zu teilen und Wissen weiterzugeben. 

Albert Kriwetz 


Mit der betriebsinternen Akademie wollen wir gemeinsam Wachsen, Talente fördern und vor allem den Gusto auf Gastro bei unseren Mitarbeiter:innen immer wieder aufs Neue wecken. 

Robert Grossauer

Geschäftsführer & Leitung HR

Deine Ansprechpartnerin

Marlies Schlick

Grossauer Akademie